Glenn Williams
February 2017 (via Email)
Q: I have to start with Serpentine Fire. Moogie and yourself have done a terrific job putting that together. Technically, how hard was it to marry an (presumably) analogue 1991 recording with 2016?
NE: The 2’ analog tapes from 1992 needed to be baked before we were able to play them. We had protools set up to record the analog information from the first play. The track played perfectly and once digitized we were able to do all the additional overdubs on protools, including adding Earth, Wind & Fire elements, Philip Bailey, Verdine White, Ralph Johnson and Maurice White sampled vocals!
Q: That’s a gorgeous vocal from Yolanda Adams on Feels Like Home. Did you have her in mind when you first had the idea to record it?
NE: Yolonda Adams comes to mind whenever you record any song that requires a beautiful vocal however with Feels Like Home we recorded the track not really knowing who would sing but we just wanted to make the best track ever.
Q: The Mood I’m In taps along nicely and I must confess is my most played track so far as I find it the perfect accompaniment to my first coffee of the day, did you have the big band arrangement in mind when Tom and yourself wrote it?
NE: Yes The Mood I'm In I was always meant to be a big band song and the kind a song that you would want to start your day with so I am happy to hear that it is the soundtrack for your cup of coffee in the morning!
Q: Until We Meet Again…inspired by a true incident? It feels like it.
NE: Actually when I wrote that I had learned earlier in the day that the great Toots Thielemans had just passed away.
Q: Two bonus tracks for Japan – thank you very much. What’s the story behind these?
NE: The two bonus tracks for Japan are songs that we actually play while there, 'April' by my friend Jack Lee and Herbie Hancock's classic 'Cantaloupe Island' so I thought it would be fun to include them on the album.
Q: Last time at Billboard you had Nao Yoshioka and Miho Fukuhara guesting on vocals; anybody lined up this time?
NE: Yes, this time our special guests will be Takeyoshi Sato on 2/23 and Akaya Hirahara on 2/24.
I always enjoy the new collaborations!
ネイザン・イースト インタビュー (Email)
Q:「Serpentine Fire」のことからお聞きしたいのですが。ムージーとあなたは最高の仕事をされましたね。技術的には大変だったのではないですか?2016年の今に1991年のアナログ録音のテープを扱うのは?
Q:「Feels Like Home」にヨランダ・アダムスのボーカルが入ってるなんて、贅沢なことですよね。レコーディング当初から彼女を使おうって思っていたのですか?
NE:ヨランダ・アダムスは、どんな時でも意識にあったよ。美しい声だからね。でも「Feels Like Home」の時は、誰に歌ってもらえばいいか分からなかったんだ。でも必ずベストな出来にしようと思っていたけどね。
Q:「The Mood I’m In」も素敵です。この曲を一番聴いているかもしれません。一日を始めるにあたって、コーヒー片手に聴くには、これほどぴったりな曲はないんですよ。トムとあなたがこの曲を書いた時には、ビッグバンドを使おうと思っていたのですか?
NE:ああ、「The Mood I'm In」は最初からそのつもりだった。一日の始まりに聴いてくれているのか。それは嬉しいな。モーニング・コーヒーのサントラってわけだね?
Q:「Until We Meet Again」は、実話を基にしているんでしたっけ?そう聞きましたが。